Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March 29th

       Im finally done filming for act one very stressful and hard Im very glad that we got it finished. It took a very long time so far we got a solid 9 mins of movie filmed. We are now planning times for act3. I have even more lines seeing that i die in act three. might as well go out with a bang ! im really excited about the death seen and cant wait until its time to film. We should also be done in the next two teeks

Thursday, March 24, 2011

march 24

Reading scripts for act1 . We are starting to film soon so all my lines need to be memorized. Lots of work needs to be done before we can finish this project but i think we can do it. This is all very stressful. In the play im going to be wearing red be cause im associated with the montagues and maybe a little blue. Today we went over color schemes when and y do we wear them. I think it is very intersting the way they thought of it.Act1 is filming thid week and most of nxt week. Then act3 and act5.


Friday March 25-before school, after school at 6:00
Saturday March 26- after 12
sunday march 27 after 12
monday march 28 after school 6:00
tuesday march 29 after school 6:00
wednesday march 30 after school 6:00
thursday march 31 After school at 6:00
 Also available before school

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 22 2011

Still memorizing lines. In the play my guy mercutio was the funny one. What made him seem even more funny was the fact that romeo was always depressed. Mercutio really highlighted romeos dedpression everytime he was around him by smiling and laughing just enjoying life. when i play him im going to try to smile as much as i can!! Until the death scene. Still in that scen hes some what histarical about his death. Unfortunatley i want have anymore lines after im a greaveman.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

blog number two

I cant wait until we start filming! We are now starting to get scripts for our acts and scenes.Im reading over them again and again.I think i hav and old one  because at schools while praticing the fight scene for act three where i get kill by tybalt, our scripts werent the same. After reading about half of it  we found out mine was missing some information that his had and so did he. I really hope to have fun and not mess up alot. Cant wait to see the costumes eventhough its supposed to take place in current time. I think they will look great

Number two

I cant wait until we start filming! We are now starting to get scripts for our acts and scenes.Im reading over them again and again.I think i hav and old one  because at schools while praticing the fight scene for act three where i get kill by tybalt, our scripts werent the same. After reading about half of it  we found out mine was missing some information that his had and so did he. I really hope to have fun and not mess up alot. Cant wait to see the costumes eventhough its supposed to take place in current time. I think they will look great

Monday, March 14, 2011

R and J

I cant wait until we start its gonna be really cool. In the movie r and j  i will be mercutio im really excited about my part because he supposed to be the "funny guy ". Think that wouldnt be anything better for me because i like acting silly. I think the play will turn out great, and we should should enjoy putting it on!!
The scene im most excited about is the one were i die Fighting to protect romeo. Im pretty sure ill enjoy getting stabbed by tybalt in scene 3. Im wondering what will i do after scene three. I cant wait to see how the play turns out.